Who Is Your Inner Critic?

“Cheron is passionate about locating and evicting the inner critic occupying space in the minds of her clients because this voice is often the driver of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideology.”

Magnifying Expectations is a Behavioral Health firm that offers evidenced-based treatment (therapeutic modalities to offer solution focused strategies) to individuals struggling with suicidality, low self worth and relationship difficulties related to depressed mood, anxiety and trauma.

Magnifying Expectations has three guiding principles. We believe that self-awareness is the best catalyst for change. We believe that all behavior is a form of communication. We believe that you are the expert in your healing journey.
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A True Goal Getter!

Cheron Crouch is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Master Addiction Counselor with over 20 years of experience working with children, adults and families within varying stages of transition. She prides herself on assisting others as they silence their inner critic, define their life goals, and make those goals a reality.

Cheron Crouch

Licensed Professional Counselor

Master Addiction Counselor (MAC)

Certified Professional Clinical Supervisor (CPCS)

Inner Critic Expert

Rave Reviews

It's Time
To Choose A
New Perspective

Often we allow ourselves to become bogged down with the woes of past failures and begin to view ourselves through the one-sided lens of our inner critic. Now is the time to pick a new perspective. And it's time to choose yourself and realize the life you've always dreamt of is inside of you. Access it!


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